sin∞fin The Movie
#1 Patagonia & Tierra del Fuego
sin∞fin The Movie
#1 Patagonia & Tierra del Fuego
The two characters move through the rooms of a house that has no address: the structure of their interior spaces, stuffed with visions and memories. Patagonia is a hybrid of pathos and agony. Here the Magellan feeling arises by opposing surreal dream-sequences to situations of everyday life. The winds and climate of the land situated at the end of the world cause and favour a continuous disintegration and consequential transformation of beings. The vastness of the area, its isolation and solitude, tell repeatedly of a unique nature, permeated by mystery and surrealism, inside which the individual adapts him/herself searching to find a home.
A VestAndPage production
In co-production with Conflicta Contemporary Art and Science Research, Punta Arenas
Chile / Germany / Italy, 2010
HD ditigal / DVD PAL, color, stereo, 00:38:52, 16:9, English with subtitles in Spanish
Concept, Performances, Camera: Verena Stenke, Andrea Pagnes
Post-production and editing: Verena Stenke
Text Assistance: Matthew Benton
Spanish Translation: Carmen Gloria Contreras Soto
With the support of the Museo Regional de Magellanes-dibam, Cemeterio Municipal, Charles Darwin College Punta Arenas, Estancia Los Copihues Tierra del Fuego.
A film by and with Verena Stenke and Andrea Pagnes
A VestAndPage production | In co-production with Confl!cta Contemporary Art and Science Research, Sarai Centre for the Studies of Developing Societies, DNA Argentine National Antarctic Direction, Thetis Spa | Presented by Zonadeartenaccion, Residencias del Sur, SpinConecdoras, Fundacion ProAntartida
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